Thursday, November 4, 2010

Impending Storm

Her golden hair blew furi­ously in the wind,
the waves crashed vio­lently against the tall char­coal rocks,
her crested cheeks turned crim­son from the chill,
and warmed up viciously as she remem­bered what he’d said one year and three months ago.
Rage was not some­thing she usu­ally let out,
but she’d held the bur­den for too long.
The dark volu­mi­nous storm clouds swiftly approached,
they couldn’t have framed her mood more per­fectly.
The water started to freefall from the spa­cious sky,
drop­ping harder faster and larger with every sec­ond,
set­ting the stage for a rag­ing hurricane.

written on November 1, 2010 using the daily word "stage" on


  1. this is interesting, is there a story behind it? whats it about?
    and just a suggestion if you dont want to say straight out that she is angry or the clouds framed her mood, somehow imply cuz theyr obvi related and write it in a way in which the storm is both physical and implied so it is purposely ambiguous whether you're describing the storm in her mind/heart or physical if you want to make it more mindblowing.

  2. Thanks for your input.
    I definitely tried to imply it. Because there's a storm in the insides of her and around her. So, they match.
    There's no story behind it, it was a one minute inspiration. I referenced which is a simple website that gives words each day and one minute for you to free write about it. This is what came out. One minute, no turning back, no revisiting. It's quite a great concept. I'd suggest everyone to try out the site and find the style they write in when they let their mind loose.

  3. wow for a one minute activity this seems like an amazing chapter starter of an epic book like scarlet letter- def could create a story outta this, itd be interesting to find out for ex what happened 1 yr and 3 months ago thats making her so mad

  4. Whoa, you are so right. Write a book with me! :)
    And thank you, it's amazing how much you can say in one minute, and how eloquent and inspired you can be by one word. I'd definitely suggest trying it out sometime:
